Reece Craig Brown owes me five thousand and seventy six dollars and forty three cents. I am willing to ignore the first two dollars and forty three cents but I want the five thousand and seventy four dollars and I do intend to get it.
Reece entered my li

fe with a bang. That bang was his Toyota Landcruiser smashing into the rear of my uninsured white 1992 model Ford Laser whilst I was waiting to enter a roundabout.
After my car limped to the side of the road I met a nervous guy in his early twenties who introduced himself, face to face this time as Reece. I was greeted with a friendly apology, and a reassuring "Yes", to my question "Are you Insured?". This was a weight lifted. Put in a claim, car is replaced, all is good and we get on our merry way..........until Reece finished his sentence with "....aahhh well, My other car is insured, but don't worry I have plenty of money."
The damage to my car was pretty noticeable, it looked like a Toyota Landcruiser sma

shed into the back of it, meanwhile Reeces Landcruiser looked like it had seconds before the accident. No diffrent, they make those machines tough. No wonder the Bush Tucker Man drives one.
I get his numberplate, mobile phone number, address and his expired licence number. Yes, expired.
I limped my car home and got two quotes for repair, five thousand dollars for one and around six for the other. Way more than the car is worth, and I would have hesitated to guess, problay more that what my new friend Reece had in his bank account.
Yes you may have guessed by now that I did not have my car insured. This is foolish. I have learned.
Now, I am a reasonable and fair man(child). I can understand that asking Reece to pay me $5000 to repair my beloved white chariot back to its pristene condition would be a bit of an ask, so when I rang him,

I gave him the option of paying the resale amount what was about half the repair amount, and doing this in installments. It was at this point that I heard the phrase that I would hear many times over. "I cant do anyfing, I havint got anyee muney". I reminded him that he told me earlier that he had plenty of money and it woulnt be a problem. He answered "I didnt fink it would be that much". This was a little insulting, it may have been more than ten years old, and was the kind of car that a mother would take the kids to sports practice in, but it was my car and I had to pay money every week for it.
In fairness he did offer to give me his 1982 holden premier, that was unroadworty an

d unregistered. I declined, (althought I did wonder if this was the 'other car' that was insured), I asked for his Landcruiser, he declined. Stalemate.
One year passed, he never rang, I got a new car and I drove that new car to the Caloundra court house and listed the matter for small claims court.
I was suprised that he turned up, on crutches, dont know if they were for show or someone had kneecaped him over another matter. We went before the judge, I stated my case, and then Reece told his side. I almost felt sorry for him. He put up no fight, and when asked what happened he said "I just woznt lookin and just smashed inoo him". I felt like Matlock. I presented the judge with the amount and was awarded the five thousand dollars plus court costs. Win.
Reece was given 28 days to pay or make arangements to pay, but instead he decided to move house.
Reece dosent take my calls anymore either. I wonder if he loses any sleep over it. I would.

The problem is, that it is alot of money, and I want it. I went to court and the law says he has to pay me, but they are not going to sent the CIB out to get him.
I have to do it.
Its kind of fun to hunt somone, kind of like a hobby. He is Moby Dick and I am Captain Nemo. Im Tommy Lee Jones and he is Harrison Ford in The Fugitive. I wonder if he feels like this? Mabe he feels a bit like Tony Mokbel, or the postcard bandit, mabe he is solving peoples problems whist I am just a whisper behind him like the A-Team, or mabe he thinks it will all go away if he wishes hard enough.
Time will Tell.